Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Home Remedies For Acne That Really Work - Health

A familiar skin problem is acne! Acne breakouts can happen anywhere on your body and aren't limited to the face. Acne breakouts aren't limited to teenagers. It doesn't matter if you are 1 or 100, you can still get acne and getting rid of acne can be very difficult. In this article we will explore a few of the more effective acne home remedies. Keep in mind, not all home remedies work for all people. You may have to try a few different remedies before you find one which ends your acne problems.

Aloe vera is one of the best natural home remedies for acne. This is a plant with many healing properties, and it's especially good for the skin and can help to clear up blemishes such as acne scars. Aloe vera will prevent future acne and leave your skin feeling soft. You can find many aloe vera products that can be applied to the skin, and it can also be helpful to drink aloe vera juice. Consider growing your own plants. Aloe vera plants are ornamental and easy to care for. The plants are very handy to have around, just snap a piece off and apply the gel to your skin. There are so many benefits to using aloe vera gel, not only does it help with acne but it is also good for treating cold sores, stopping the itch of insect bites, cooling down a sunburn, treating kitchen burns, etc.

Certain foods can be helpful in healing acne, and one of the best of these is cucumber. Cucumber is a healthy vegetable. You could use a blender or juicer and make a refreshing drink from a cucumber, or you could even make your own cucumber facial mask. Apply cool cucumber slices to your face. Leave the cucumber slices in place for 20 minutes. Tumeric and ginger are also frequently used as facial treatments. Moisturizing cucumbers are will leave you face feeling smooth. Cucumbers are also high in amino acids and minerals which are also good for your skin. Not only is it good for healing acne, but it can help reduce wrinkles and make your face look younger. If you don't want to apply fresh cucumbers to your face, you can also find skin care products that use this ingredient.

Some people will tell you that exposure to the sun is a good cure for acne, but this is not advice you should follow. Acne may be less noticeable after laying out in the sun. This happens because your skin turns either darker or a little more reddish in tone. The acne isn't cured, it's just less obvious. On the other hand, laying out in the sun for too long, may cause skin irritation which will result in more breakouts.

Therefore over exposure to the sun's rays may actually make your acne even worse! For overall health, getting some sunshine is actually good for you and your whole body. Unless you have a medical reason to avoid the sun, the sun should not be completely avoided. Acne may be difficult to get rid of and laying out in the sunshine isn't the cure many people claim it to be.

Living with constant acne breakouts can be very frustrating. Keep search for an acne cure until you find the product which works best for you. If you are lucky you will find an acne solution which works right away but if you don't, keep trying. Sometimes it may take some time for the home remedy to start working. Give each remedy enough time to work before you move onto the next. Two weeks should be long enough to see an improvement in skin. For more fast and effective acne treatments click here.