When stools loose and consistency, condition termed diarrhea. It is rid undesirable substances limited way. If condition worsens additional symptoms vomiting, fever stomach pain medical attention required. Children people 65 years age likely suffer it. Diarrhea severe loss fluids needs replenished. Diarrhea caused food poisoning, bacteria food water, food allergies virus. If blood mucus in blood, parasital infection confirmed. There are home remedies Diarrhea are successfully controlling and worth them.
Symptoms Diarrhea
- Loose/watery stools
- At times abdominal pain associated diarrhea.
- Nausea
- Sometimes stool blood
- Fever
Causes diarrhea
Bacterial & Viral Infection
This considered as of main causes diarrhea. Bacterial & viral infection caused means consumption contaminated food drinking water diarrhea. This common developing countries separation drinking sewage water big problem.
Diarrhea caused by types bacteria kill patient if proper medication is available. Bacteria E-coli, Campylobacter, Salmonella, lamblia etc. virus Rota-virus; herpes etc. are names in list.
The reason diarrhea is infection, case if patient suffering from diseases, diseases related intestinal infection.
Diarrhea experienced patients suffering from diseases AIDS, dysentery, Crohn's disease, inflammatory bowel diseases Irritable Bowel Syndrome, cholera, bowel cancer, Ischemic bowel disease, cases appendicitis etc.
Body's negative response elements
If body shows negative response food material, consuming it cause problems diarrhea.
One of examples consumption milk. It witnessed digestive systems people process digest lactose and elemens available milk leading diarrhea. The advise people be avoid consumption any thing.
Laxatives & chemicals
Laxatives magnesium (Epsom salt), phenolphthalein, cascara etc. are day day lives also chemicals part of food, can diarrhea in people.
Certain type medicines (including antibiotics and drugs) diarrhea patients. You be careful any drug. If witness sudden problem with bowel habits after started medication that physician suggested you, then stop medicines contact physician at earliest.
Excessive consumption alcohol
Excessive alcohol consumption also diarrhea patients. Generally excessive alcohol consumption chronic diarrhea, in body's ability absorb ample amount water affected.
Diarrhea classified following types
Acute Diarrhea
Type diarrhea lasts less 3-4 weeks. This type diarrhea generally cured normal treatment does intensive medication.
Chronic Diarrhea
Sometimes, diarrhea lasts long and extend months couple years. This type diarrhea is caused due type infection. In type diarrhea, patient does experience significant/intensive illness. Poor digestion (i.e. mal-absorption) food, diseases inflammatory bowel syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, bowel cancer, prolonged alcohol consumption effect abnormalities few causes chronic diarrhea.
Home Remedies Diarrhea
Herbs are preparing home remedies diarrhea examples serving indication them. Chopped Basil Leaves, pinch salt black pepper added curd acts effective home remedy Diarrhea. A mix mint juice, honey ginger juice extremely useful. A drops Pudin Hara mixed water be dehydrant helps prevention loss body fluids.
A mix lemon juice, ginger juice pepper powder prepared table spoon taken improve condition. Wild oregano oil be anti bacterial, anti parasitic anti viral effective treating symptoms. Ginger tea acts pain reliever. Ginger ale makes stools watery. Charcoal be prevent vomiting, nausea intestinal bloating. It be detoxifying liver kidneys. Coriander seeds boiled water. After straining out seeds, liquid consumed stop dehydration.
Sugar Salt added small quantities in ratio 2:1 cup water be regularly quench thirst helps replenishing body fluids. Water Brown Rice boiled rice cooked. The water thrown away, it be supplement effective control Diarrhea and rice eaten for vitamin B content. Grated Papaya boiled water ten minutes water strained consumed act Diarrhea.
Find powerful herbal remedies Home Remedies Diarrhea
A lemon ground paste made addition salt be effective instrument counter Diarrhea. Garlic has intrinsic ability destroy harmful bacteria in intestines affecting digestion. Garlic capsules be effective control. Puree carrots boiled water be liquid enhancing control measures. These are of natural remedies Diarrhea prepared from shelf immediately good results.
Leaves pumpkin squash gourd be tea boiled water. After draining out leaves, water be effective results. Amaranth seeds leaves are Diarrhea. You can decoction boiling amaranth seeds water allowing it steep for hour. Two cups of decoction mitigate symptoms. Grape fruit seed extract excellent remedy traveler's Diarrhea. Fresh pomegranate skin soaked water, heated volume hot be liquid times of day improvement. Honey also added this treat blood in stool. A paste Goat's milk Sesame seeds extremely and of home remedy Diarrhea.
Diet Diarrhea Prevention
Brown Rice, ripe Bananas, Apple sauce toast be diet Diarrhea. Toast have wheat butter jam added. Apple juice avoided as increases Diarrhea intensity. Liquids be frequently compensate water loss. Dairy products avoided. Fruit juices, Apricots, Peas, Pears Plums avoided. Buttermilk, Yoghurt, Banana Carrot given. Physical activity completely curtailed. This is of important diet diarrhea effective diarrhea cure.
All diarrhea treatment work for of cases, if situation aggravates symptoms surfacing, medical attention immediately sought.