Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Teen or Adult Best Acne Scar Skin Treatment - Health

Luckily there are several non surgical acne scar treatments so most of us will not have to resort to surgery for the removal of acne scars. Laser treatment is improving all the time but can not be used while you have an active outbreak. You are probably wondering what is the best acne scar treatment for you.

Medical research into the non-surgical treatment has not been a priority. There has also been little research into how the scars form, so few treatment are available. Most sufferers resort to natural and home remedies.

However the situation is improving, but it may be awhile before we see any results. Dermabrasion has shown some good results, but the more modern laser acne scar removal seems to be gaining ground.

It is unclear at this point as to which of these treatments will prove to be more effective. The battle can only help acne victims, since there will be a move to produce the most effective acne scar treatment.

Acne scar treatment has two levels, the treatment of mild scars caused by widening pores and the treatment of deep acne scars.

The best treatment for you may be a home remedy, an over the counter acne scar treatment, or laser treatments. For many of us it may prove to be a combination of all three treatment regimens since many people have more than one type of acne.

You should discuss any acne scar treatment with your physician or dermatologist so that you can discuss all available options including over the counter and home remedies.

Rose hip oil is one of the best natural remedies which helps the skin to regenerate. It doesn't work fast and appears to work best for raised acne scars. Elicina Cream containing glycolic acid in a natural form with natural antibiotics and skin repair substances is used to prevent and heal acne and lessen the effect of scarring.

The claim is that Elecina cream reduces pigment scarring but it didn't work for me. However friends with cystic acne found it seems to ward of future outbreaks.

Deep acne scarring must be treated by a professional and home treatments should be avoided. Professional treatments are quite costly, and usually require a series of treatments.

In dermabrasion the skin is numbed and a machine with rapid rotating edges is applied in a process similar to sanding off the top layer of skin. It takes a few weeks to heal and may need to be repeated.

Laser acne scar treatment is currently twice as expensive as Dermabrasion. Some people who have had laser treatment complain that their skin remained pink for months after.

For myself a chemical peel did the trick. I found that a 2nd treatment was needed. Chemical peels only works for mild scarring.

Some "ice pick" scars are very deep. There are three treatments being used for this type of scarring. One is a graft, skin from beneath the ear is used. This appears to be the most successful. Another treatment removes the scars and lets it heal itself. The third treatment is cutting the scar at the bottom. This lets it drift up to the surface and hide the scar.

Subcision cuts and removes the scar. When this heals a blood clot forms and rises to the skin surface. This also can require repeat treatments and is sometimes combined with dermabrsion.

As you can see there is no one teen or adult best acne scar skin treatment that works for everyone.

More about acne scars :/best-adult-acne-scar-skin-treatment.html