Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Home Remedies for UTI - Urinary Tract Infection Natural Treatment and Remedy - Health - Alternative Medicine

The condition of Urinary Tract Infection is related with the encroachment by the bacteria of the urinary tract and it includes urethra, bladder, kidney and ureters. From the opening of the urethra this bacterium enters and procreates in the urinary tract which causes urinary tract infection. It may be the major cause of distress in your life and it is also very painful if the detection of this problem is not done in its initial stages then it may spread to your kidneys and then it may be a serious health issue. Sometimes there is a development of cystitis due to the infection in the bladder. It is a very common problem usually faced by women. Though UTI can affect any person but especially women are at more risk of this disease. Even the children may also suffer from this disease.

Some of the important symptoms of UTI -

1. Patient may suffer from fever due to the infection in the kidney. Feeling of vomiting and nausea may be the result due to the infection. Pain below the ribs and backache are some of the other symptoms.

2. Constant urge to urinate is a common symptom usually faced by the patient of UTI.

3. Usually the urine passes with the burning sensation and it is very painful also. Sometimes there is a presence of blood in the urine.

Some of the major causes of UTI -

1. It is caused when there is a presence of bacteria in the urethra2. Sexual intercourse is an important and common cause of UTI3. It is also caused when someone holds back the urge to urinate4. It is also caused by often changing the different sexual partner

Home remedies are also very helpful in treating urinary tract infection. Some of the popular home remedies:

1. You must consume a plenty of water. It will help you to have a good flow of urine. It also cleanses your body by flushing and diluting out the unwanted substance.

2. In order to fight with the infection consume at least two capsules of Echinacea and Oregon grape root. It must be taken in three times a day. To fight with the infection you can also take goldenseal.

3. Consumption of fresh berry juice is very effective for treating UTI.

4. Increase the intake of vitamin C as it prevents the bacterial growth.

5. You must take a diet rich in minerals and other supplements like milk, fruits and other vegetables.

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