Ants are a type of social insect that live in colonies just like the bees and wasps. They belong to the order hymenoptera. Though there are estimated to be around 12,000 species of ants, we encounter only a few of them in and around our home. The common types of ants that are found near human habitat are pharaoh ants, fire ants, sugar ants, army ants and driver ants. In a colony of ants, we can find both productive and sterile members. The infertile or sterile ants are the 'workers', while the fertile males are called 'drones' and fertile females are known as queens. Such an ant colony near your home can be a real nuisance and they can be a tough pest to get rid of.
Ant Control Home RemedyThough, a great many pest control options are available, it is always safe to stick to the natural or home remedies in order to get rid of pests like ants. A natural approach towards this problem is safe for your family members and pets, while relying on the chemicals or pesticides may pose some environmental and health hazards. So, here are a few ant control home remedies for you.
Diatomaceous Earth: Diatoms are a type of unicellular organism and the diatomaceous earth is the fossilized remains of them. It is quite different from the normal earth with its sharp surfaces that can easily cut through the cuticle of the insects like ants. It also absorbs lipids from their exoskeleton (the outer layer) and thereby causes dehydration. So, diatomaceous earth can be used as an insecticides for bugs, cockroach, earwigs and ant control in house.
Vinegar:Vinegar is one of the most common household items with a wide range of applications. But, only a handful of us is aware of the fact that it has the property of repelling insects like ants. To get rid of ants, what you need to do is to squirt some white vinegar in places like kitchen counters, where ants are more frequently seen.
Black Pepper: Another easy and cheap way to get rid of ants is to use black pepper. It is a completely natural ant control home remedy. Just sprinkle it in the places from where the ants make their entry to your house. This would prevent them from returning. You can use it anywhere in your home, as it is one of the completely safe home remedies for ant control.
Cucumber:Though it is hard to believe, cucumber peels have insect repelling properties. Ants particularly dislike them for their bitterness. It is not only effective for ant control, but for controlling other insects like wasps, bugs and moths as well.
Boiling Water:One of the simplest ant control home remedies is applying boiling water on anthill. This would kill the ants and destroy their stored foods and larvae by crushing the entire mound.
Citrus and Neem Oil: Oils obtained from the peels of citrus fruits like lemon, orange can also be used in the campaign against ants. Just mix citrus oil with some water and spray the areas, where ant activity is frequent. Similarly, neem oil is equally effective in repelling and killing many insects including ants and mites. It can also prevent growth of fungus.
Boric Acid and Apple Cider Vinegar:Boric acid is quite toxic to ants, while for humans, it is a non-toxic substance. So, it can be safely used for controlling insect infestation without any adverse impact on the health and well-being of your family and pets. Another equally safe and effective home remedy for ant control is apple cider vinegar. For this, you can mix equal parts of water and apple cider vinegar for spraying the areas, where you can more frequently observe ant activity.
Ant Control in Garden:Lastly, you can try some natural barriers to prevent entry of ants in the vicinity of your house. Spearmint, peppermint, lavender are some plants that act as natural barrier against a wide range of insects including ants. They can be termed as one of the most effective ways to control ant population in garden.
The effectiveness of ant control home remedy would primarily depend on the severity of the problem, i.e. degree of ant infestation and the types of ants. Besides these, the ant control home remedy may take some time to completely eradicate ants from your house and its vicinity. So, at times you may be required to contact a pest control professional in addition to using the home remedies for ant control.
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