Wart is a type of skin infection caused by diseases (HPV), virus attacks. In a few diseases raised lumps on the skin pink in color observed. Wart is of various types and can attack any part of the body, especially around the mouth; genitals, male penis, female vagina, warts, etc.
can attack people of any age and sex. The wart can attack young children and adolescents. Pregnant women who suffer from warts to find it difficult to urinate and also a problem at the time of delivery. Research shows that the wart also lead to many infections caused by unprotected sex.
The disease can also cause warts and various types of cancer. Many times a wart can easily cure without any treatment. This article explains in detail the various aspects of wart, its causes and home remedies for simple and effective.
1. Reasons for warts 2. Home Remedies for Warts
Causes of warts
Warts are different types. The main reason behind the attack of genital wart HPV virus, knees, penis, vagina, etc. People with weak immune systems are at greater risk of suffering from this disease.
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Home Remedies for Warts - Warts Treatment
Gots diseases of the skin is painful and infectious. A given below are some of the most common home remedies used for gots effective treatment.
Garlic is one of the most common home remedies used for the treatment of warts. Take fresh and raw garlic to paste. Apply this paste on the infected area, and covered with a cloth with holes. Allow to dry for 5-6 hours. Wash off, do it every day until the disease is not completely healed. This is one of the useful home remedies for warts.
Castor oil:
Castor oil is also effective in treating warts. Add the oil on the infected skin and cover, the dust should stick to the skin. This will make the skin soft and also kill the germs. Similarly, a vitamin A, E and C-rich oils are also very effective in curing warts.
Cloves are useful in treating warts. Oil of cloves can be applied gently to the affected area. Do this at least twice a day, will show a positive effect in a few days.
Banana peel:
A good banana peels to get rid of warts. Take a banana peel and raw infected area to be covered. This will help kill the HPV virus.
Aloe vera extract:
Similarly, an extract of aloe vera is also helpful to get rid of warts. This step is applied to the infected area 2-3 times a day. Repeat for a week; sure you will see positive results. This is one of the important home remedies for warts.
Raw potatoes are also good in curing warts. Rub a slice of potato on the infected area. Do this 2-3 times a day; this will help to kill the germs that cause warts.