Acne or pimple is a troublesome condition affecting almost all the people across the world. However, it may not harm any bodys internal system but it appears very ugly and holds a great significance in the world of glamour and outer appearance. The market is full of remedies for acne and you may get innumerable acne products on beauty stores, medical stores, chemist shop, cornershops and also the internet booms with such products.
However, acne can be tackled using some natural remedies those just lay around you and your house! Let us look at some effective home remedies for acne:-
Home Remedies for Acne 1: If acne is on the back, Colloidal Silver is a preferred choice. Have this orally and also as application (topical, local) directly onto the affected area. This works as a natural antibiotic.
Home Remedies for Acne 2: The kitchen remedies for acne include taking garlic in any form (capsules are available). Garlic boosts the immune system and kills the bacteria responsible for pimples.
Home Remedies for acne 3: To help the liver eliminating body toxic materials (present in the bloodstream), consume Burdock root and dandelion that contain substance called inulin. This substance works as antibacterial and also cleans up the pores those are clogged and likely to cause pimples.
Home Remedies for acne 4: Ayurvedic herbs such as Neem, Sariva, Manjistha, Indian gooseberry, turmeric (haldi) etc are considered to be very useful in treating acne. They are likely to cleanse the pores and rejuvenate the skin. Herbs like sariva is said to be natural blood purifier.
Home Remedies for acne 5: Using Lavender oil as a natural application directly onto the affected area heals acne effectively.
Home Remedies for acne 6: If you have stubborn acne, put some Tea tree oil on the acne affected area as tea tree oil serves as natural antibiotic. It destroys a broad range of harmful microorganisms and is as effective as benzol peroxide, though without having any harmful or unwanted effects. Regular usage of tea tree oil helps in reducing the redness, itchiness and inflammation.
Home Remedies for acne 7: Simply, an application of aloe vera gel may help you getting rid of acne. Apply the pulp or gel twice a day for some months as it can also prevent recurrence of the acne.
Home Remedies for acne 8: Many health care providers suggest to eat foods those are high in fiber or roughage. This also keeps the colon cleaned.
Home Remedies for acne 9: As another diet modification, try to include shellfish, sunflower seeds, nuts and soybeans as they all are abandon in zinc, that is again, natural antibacterial.
Home Remedies for acne 10: Give up any sort of alcohol, carbonated beverages, caffeine, egg yolks, and chocolates and do not eat fried, canned or packed foods. Eat foods with less calories and fats.
Home Remedies for acne 11: It is better to restrict anything that contains sugar. This is because, over the times, such foods can produce what is known as skin diabetes that again gives rise to acne.