Herpes simplex is highly contagious, that means you can transmitted the virus to another people with direct contact such kissing, performance oral sex, and share items (towel, toothbrush, lipstick, spoon, cup, etc). You can spread the virus to other part of your body too, your eye and genital are susceptible to spread of the virus. Always practice good health habits will help you to prevent transmitted of the virus.
There was a time in ancient Rome, that an epidemic outbreak of fever blisters prompted the Emperor Tiberius to ban kissing in public ceremonies. Even today there still is an epidemic of fever blisters. About 100 million recurrent cases happen in the United States. An estimation of about 45 to 80 percent of Adults and children have had a bout with fever blisters.
Here are some of fever blister remedies:
- Use petroleum jelly to moisturize and soften fever blister. It can help to prevent them from cracking and bleeding.
- Tannic acid in the tea acts as antiviral. Use by apply a tea bag for 5 to 10 minutes each hour at start the fever blister. This will prevent their further development.
- Lemon balm contains tannins. You can use to reduce fever blister symptoms and faster the healing process.
- Echinacea is a potent antiviral, has been suggested as a treatment for fever blister.
Fever blisters can be very annoying but there are a few fever blister remedies you can use so no worries. I use to get them often but found some tricks of the trade to keep them gone after awhile. Blistex is a great cure for blisters and should work rather quickly. Before you get the next fever blister find out why they keep occurring in the first place.
Home remedy for fever blister. Many people have experience that home remedy for fever blister more helpful to fever blisters treatment and reduce the recurrent outbreaks. Some of benefit of home remedies to fever blisters are relieve the symptoms, reduce the risk of recurrent outbreaks, build up the immune system, and helping you deal with a lifetime condition.
Fever blisters, also known as cold sores, are experienced by millions of Americans every single year. Even though it is a rather unimpressive occurrence, you may feel embarrassed by your fever blisters and try everything to avoid them. Unfortunately, the virus that causes fever blisters is something that cannot be cured, which means that you need to be prepared with good fever blister home remedies, along with information on when to see a doctor.
Treating fever blisters prior to them developing is definitely the best way to deal with these sores. However, if you don't catch it soon enough, there are numerous topical creams and oral medications you can take to help you get through still another herpes outbreak.
Fever blisters can bring about unwanted discomfort, pain and embarrassment. It has been said that the virus that causes fever blisters actually does not leave your system once you contract it. However, that bitter truth must not stop you from resorting to fever blister remedies to alleviate your discomfort.
While there is no known fever blister cure, there have been great advances in the development of fever blister treatments. Most of them are available over the counter at your local drug store, and the cost for them is reasonable. Most are in gel or ointment form and must be applied directly to the blister every few hours. They have minimal side effects that most people do not experience.
Natural home remedies for fever blister cure. It is the best cure for fever blister for many people because they relieve the symptoms more faster than other treatment, eliminate recurrent outbreaks, and no dangerous side effect. They works by improve your body immune system to lock the virus. Some of natural home remedies are lemon balm, tea tree oil, tannic acid, resveratrol, echinacea, and more.
Fever blisters treatment. Fever blister is called cold sore; herpes oral; herpes labialis. A fever blister is a blister from infection caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 with characterized by itching and soreness in a day or two, before small and painful red blisters appears usually affects on the skin of the lips, mouth, gums, or the skin around the mouth.
It is estimated that over 85% of adults carry this highly contagious disease. Usually, the virus is caught when a person is between the ages of 6 months and 3 years old. HSV-1 is able to remain dormant in certain cells within the body for years - even decades - before a fever blister outbreak occurs. It is not entirely clear what causes these outbreaks, but a few theories include stress, too many UV rays found in natural sunlight and tanning booths, and a weakened immune system.