Thursday, February 9, 2012

Toenail fungus home remedies - Health - Medicine

However, the fungus can be spread from person to person by sharing grooming implements. They also start emitting a bad smell. The fungus causes the toenails to get flaked, brittle and chipped. Though toe nail fungus is not painful in the initial stages, it starts hurting later on. As the fungi growth increases, it makes the nails hard and brittle and also leads to discoloration. Also known as Onychomycosis, the fungi grows in the warm and moist fingernails. Toe nail fungus is the result of infection caused by tiny micro-organisms.

Read about Toenail Fungus home remedy treatment. Here are presented a few Toe Nail Fungal Infection cure home remedies. You can purchase Thyme oil at health/natural food stores, or if you want to take the VapoRub route, you can check out eHow for directions on the VapoRub regimen instead. And studies have also shown that thymol oil destroys another cause of nail fungus, Candida, by disrupting its cell membranes and metabolism. Other studies in animals have also shown thymol oil to be effective against dermatophytes. Of the seven ingredients, thymol was among the most effective at inhibiting the growth of dermatophytes that cause nail fungus. In one study, scientists tested the anti-fungal effects of the ingredients in a generic medicated chest rub. The over the counter medications for eliminating nail fungus are plagued with drawbacks. Researchers have been studying the effects of the herb, thyme, on curing toenail fungus condition that, while not normally harmful, affects about 15% of Americans.

Soak cotton ball with hydrogen peroxide and dab it on all toes. Rinse with water and use paper towels to dry feet. Soak both feet with distilled vinegar everyday for 30 minutes. In the better health food stores. Nothing works a hundred percent for everyone. This is something you need to try for yourself. Now I hear apple cider vinegar has the medicine power to kill toenail fungus.

I developed that horrible toenail fungus like my mother had...thick yellow nails with a flaky exudate underneath...I started using different ways to try to cure my nail. This is really hard time and the fungus would always come back and I finally cleared the infection by using The Claripro Oral Spray every day. Now they are completely normal. Thanks for this treatments and my big toenail looked beautiful in only 3 months finally.