It is important to first know what toenail fungus is before talking about toenail fungus home remedies. This disease is caused by fungi that develop on the nails. This results in the discoloration of the nails in particular of the big toe and the tiny toe. They become brown or yellow. This makes the nails brittle and eventually they might fall off.
A lack of personal cleanliness is one of the causes of toenail fungus. You have to take good care of your feet by ensuring that you clean and dry them well. Another reason is wearing foot gear for a long period. This is the perfect place for fungus to flourish in because your toes will not be getting enough air.
You might put yourself at risk if you use a shower or swimming pool that is utilized by someone who has the fungi. It is also risky to share shoes or socks. The problem could also be caused by not drying you feet well every time you shower.
Tea tree oil is a natural remedy that effectively removes toenail fungus. It helps to eliminate the disease. For a much better outcome you just apply a mixture of tea tree oil with thyme oil and extra virgin oil on your toes.
A different remedy that also works is household vinegar. The feet have to be soaked in the vinegar for roughly thirty minutes daily and for four weeks. Mouthwash also works well when it comes to killing these fungi. It also assists in cleaning the toenails.
The application of garlic extract on the affected spot will also kill the fungi. This has to be done consistently until the fungi are completely eliminated. By dipping your feet in 3% hydrogen peroxide you can get rid of the fungus. One can mix apple cider vinegar with warm water and immerse the feet for at least 25 minutes. The vinegar will destroy the fungi and prevent any other infections from developing.
By rubbing lime juice using a cotton ball on your affected area you will be able to treat your toenails. You just rub the lime juice for 10 minutes and then rinse your toes with warm water. Always ensure that you dry your feet properly. Another trusted natural remedy is a mixture of 1 teaspoon olive oil and some drops of oregano oil which is applied on the affected area. Onions also have anti fungal properties. You simply rub a sliced onion on the toenails.
You can also deep your toes in rubbing alcohol for about 20 minutes twice a day. A solution of bleach and water has also proven effective. However there are some side effects associated with the remedy due to its acidic properties which are very strong. The bleach might scrap the skin around your nails.
The ailment can also be cured by drinking chamomile or ginger tea. To get good results from toenail fungus home remedies you have to be thorough and precise in the way you use them. They are also available in many forms.