Sunday, February 5, 2012

Natural Toenail Fungus Home Remedies - Health

Catching ugly toenail fungus is not hard. Getting rid of the microscopic bacteria, if left untreated can be almost impossible without a Doctor's intervention. By acting quickly, a few simple toenail fungus home remedies can vanquish the problem in a matter of weeks. For fifteen minutes each day, soak the affected toe in a mixture of apple cider vinegar and warm water. If you feel the need, soak in this mixture several times a day, the more treatments the better. Vinegar will dry out and help stop the fungus from growing. Tea tree oils are known to treat many skin problems. Applying it with a cotton ball a few times each day will assist in slowing the fungus. As another option, you can also blend it with hot water and soak the nail in it. An antiseptic mouthwash like listerine can sometimes be good to treat ugly nail fungus. Every day after you take a shower, place your foot into a basin using listerine and warm water. Listerine contains thymol and it is a known ingredient that has antifungal properties. Garlic does not smell great but is also known to have some positive effects. Place a few crushed cloves into a sock and, each night, wear it to bed. Also, to allow good breathing and air flow use a cotton sock. Put a little vaporub on the infected toenail twice per day. Like mouthwash, vapor rubs also have Thymol as an active ingredient but vaporub may cause too much moisture which actually helps fungus to grow between toes. Plus, it's kind of hard for the product to penetrate the nail. However, many people believe that these rubs can be good for toenail fungus. Combining baking soda with hot water will eventually create a paste. To kill and dry out the toenail fungus, coat the affected toe with the concoction a couple of times a day. Keep it on the nail for 30 minutes and then wash it off. Be sure to completely dry off your feet afterwards to prevent more fungus from growing. After the toenail fungus home remedies have worked, make sure to ta ke the needed steps to keep it away. Going barefoot around your house and letting your toes have access to plenty of air will help to keep them healthy. As mentioned before, wearing cotton socks will allow your skin and toes to breath and have air to stop excess sweat and fungus growth. Toenail Fungus Home Remedies to get rid of yellow Toenail Fungus fast.