Sunday, February 26, 2012

Remove Blackheads - What can I do to Get Rid of Blackheads? - Health - Skin Care

If you want to know how to get rid of blackheads then this is an article you should read entirely, I know how horrible it can be to have irritating, ugly blackheads and I'm sure you want to get rid of yours as soon as possible, so read on for some tips.

A blackhead is caused by excess oil that has clogged one of your pores, they are often confuse with whiteheads, the different between the two is that blackheads usually appear on just oily skin whereas whiteheads can appear on both oily and dry skin.

Here are some easy and effective tips that you can do for curing blackheads...

1. Cleanliness is important, so keep all blackheads clean. Use an unperfumed cleanser twice a day to wash the effected areas. Don't use strong soaps - your skin needs a certain amount of oils to function properly.

2. Most over the counter treatments for blackheads contain benzoyl peroxide, which is an antibacterial agent. You can use benzoyl peroxide on your skin (sparingly to begin with) to treat your acne. It will dry out the skin and a surface layer of dead skin will soon be shed. This will make it more difficult for pores to become blocked, which will discourage future infection.

3. A change in diet can be a plus in the search for an answer of how to get rid of blackheads. Sometimes a change from an unhealthy diet to a balanced diet can be a big step in the search for blackhead prevention.

4. Applying hot water on a towel is another method in blackhead treatment. By leaving a hot towel on the affected areas, this allows the pores to open and ease the removal of blackheads.

Are you looking for more Home remedies for blackheads? Know effective Home remedies for erectile dysfunction to improve erection. Also find useful Home remedies for premature ejaculation to control climax.

Disclaimer: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

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